
Osada Steve's Shibari Dojo

A selection of Osada Steve's tutorials from his kinbaku academy.

Osada Steve has been pivotal in bringing authentic Japanese shibari techniques to the west. If you learned the iconic Akechi-style 3-rope TK or a yokozuri (side suspesion), it was probably based on his Osada-ryu version. Living in Tokyo, he has been involved in the scene there for the past 30 years; very few nawashi approach his experience in teaching or performing.

He started his career with Osada Eikichi, who popularised performance shibari, from whom he gets his name. Steve's style is heavily influenced by Yukimura Haruki, grand-master of floor-work, with whom he studied until his death a few years ago. You won't find a better teacher.

Special offers

  • Up to six months for the price of one
  • Unlimited downloads
  • No automatic renewal

The bundles have a lot of valuable content that you will want to fully understand and practice. You can't rush mastery. One month isn't really enough to get the best from them, so when you enrol in the following bundles, you get three or six times the time to study at no extra cost.

Standard bundles: A full 3 month's access for the price of one month.

Osada Ryu bundles: A whole 6 month's access for the price of one. These bundles are identified by Osada Ryu in big red letters.